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Museum of Musical Instruments Kumlyk

Museum of Musical Instruments Kumlyk


Western Ukraine since ancient times has always been a kind of terrain where they lived different peoples with unique traditions. Among the strikers, and the Lemko Rusyns hutsuly particularly stand out. They have long been traditions, its culture, faith and Hutsul dialect. Particularly popular along with traditional Ukrainian and Hutsul purchased musical instruments.

Be sure to visit urban village Verkhovyna. It is located in the southern part of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, where the highest point in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Here, apart from the world-famous ski resorts open and several museums dedicated to Hutsul folk culture. The most famous is the museum, which is Hutsul life, ethnography and collection of musical instruments Gutsuliya Roman Kumlyk. Roman P. Kumlyk - a virtuoso musician and poet. He plays 35 musical instruments, and is the author of forty Hutsul songs. The museum, which collects items Hutsul folk life in the house of the Roman Kumlyk. He independently and to give you a tour.

Museum of Roman Kumlyk was opened on January 8 1999. The collection includes casual and Hutsul wedding suits, linen clothing, leather and wool, unique pieces of pottery decorated huzul masters, various tools, among which special attention should be hatchet-Bartik. In addition, here are collected various ancient banknotes miniature wooden castles, paintings and much more. The largest part of the collection at the Museum songwriter Hutsul are musical instruments.

Roman Kumlyk show and tell you about trembita that hutsuly used for messages about important events in the village. Interesting exhibit is also a horn that is used to transmit information over long distances. Jew's harp, known as among the Hutsul drymba played during various festivals and dances. Under the wheel lyre funny song sung, poems and fairy tales. Also, there is here, "goat", through which the voice changed during the songs, playing floyare accompanied buzzing. Duda - Hutsul bagpipe was popular in rural areas in the 19th century, and popular cymbals for over a century. Roman Kumlyk show you several models flute, panpipes, clarinet. During a visit to the museum, he tells about the customs and life Huzuls accompanying this game on one of the oldest musical instruments and singing a few lines of Hutsul "spivanok."

Visit to the museum collector will leave a memorable impression. That's because Roman Kumlyk every excursion turns into a mini-performance that immerses visitors into the mysterious world.

Get in Verkhovyna you can from Ivano-Frankivsk by bus or train, reaching the station "Vorohta" and from there by shuttle bus to Verhoviny.


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