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Bakota is a flooded village in Kamianets-Podilskyi district of Khmelnytsk region. The area where about two thousand people used to live, now affects with its magical landscapes, mysterious finds and a rocky monastery. At this place you’ll have an opportunity to admire the Dniester Reservoir and taste healing water from a local source.

Once in the 13th century Bakota was the most important political and administrative centre of Dniester Podillya. At that time the village occupied about 10 acres with more than two thousand people. But in 1981 the construction of the Dnistrovs’k Hydro Power caused its flooding, so today only chronicles remind us of this wonderful place, and the survived rocky monastery with its unique landscapes attract there travellers.

The word "Bakota" means "a desirable place". After all, whoever comes here, can prove this for himself. The first thing to impress you in Bakota is its landscapes – narrow trails, the pretty reservoir, steep slopes and pure spring water. In addition, you can see the unique rocky monastery and an unusual church here.

According to the legend, Bakota Monastery was laid by St Antoniy, who founded Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and St Anthony Caves in Chernihiv. However, from numerous cells and tombs only a few caves and an old church have survived till the present day. On religious holidays, services are held there, so people from all neighbourhoods come to worship. And not far from this cave on the south wall of the monastery you can find ancient inscription "Christ, Bless Abbot Hryhoriy, who gave the power of St Mykhail". Researchers date it as the 11th century.

Visit the monastery and touch the true history. To get to this place, you should go by bus or taxi to the village of Hrushky, and from there – about five kilometres on foot. Passing Hrushky, you should turn to the right, straight to the sign "camp – to the right, monastery – to the left". If you have enough time, you can go to the camp where you can relax, have a bath and go to the monastery with renewed strength. Otherwise, turn to the left and you're sure to reach your destination.

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Легенды Каменца-Подольского и Черновцов
Каменец-Подольский и Черновцы – это старинные города с богатой историей, посетив которые вы получите много впечатлений. За три дня тура вы посетите большое количество экскурсий, во время которых увидите величественные замки, крепости, церкви и исторические памятники архитектуры. Вас ожидает: посещение Каменец-Подольской крепости; вечерняя пешая прогулка по городу; экскурсия по Государственному историко-архитектурному заповеднику «Хотинская крепость»; обзорная экскурсия по Черновцам; Хрустальная пещера в Кривче, а также оборонный замок 17 века; поездка в Бакоту – древнюю столицу Подолья, которая известна своим теплым и мягким климатом; вкусный обед с блюдами национальной кухни.
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