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The Regional Art Museum

The Regional Art Museum

One of the best museums in Bukovina Chernivtsi today is the Art Museum. Visiting it, you can get acquainted with the art and folk art edge, discover new names and folk styles.

A nice plus to visiting the historic building will be perfectly preserved interiors from the 20th century., Which is a museum - a monument of national importance, made in the style of Viennese Secession.

Collection Art Museum

Total collection of the museum is more than 12 thousand exhibits. Most of them are art Bukovina 17-20 centuries. Until a permanent exhibition in Chernivtsi Art Museum collection includes the following:

  • Collection icons Bukovina 17- 20 centuries. This housekeepers images and icons from churches and monasteries, samples of folk icon painting icons made on glass.
  • Artistic art Bukovina 20th century. Lipetsk works exhibited E., A. Kiselitsa, Mr. Yakovenko, A. Kryvoruchko, A. Plaksiya V. Sanzharova and others.
  • Creativity Ukrainian artists of the 20th century: M. Glushchenko, A. Kotska M. Deregus and others.
  • Ornamental art of Bukovina, where the artistic designs of traditional art Bukovina.
  • Works Bukovynian diaspora Mohyky Peter, Nicholas poor and others.
  • Carpet Collection Bukovina - the pride of the museum. This collection is also a museum in the village Nagoryany carpet .
  • Collection of Easter eggs, numbering more than 3,000 exhibits, which mainly represented Bukovynian and Hutsul samples.

General meeting of the Chernivtsi Art Museum well represents the people`s art and Bukovina last 300 years.

History Art Museum

At first, the museum existed as a department regional museum and together they shared one room. Until 1988 the museum was opened as an independent unit. At first he was placed in the Non-functioning at the time Svyatoduhivskomu Cathedral . But soon he was sent to the community, and gradually the museum moved into its current building next to City Hall . The building itself is a remarkable work of art and mosaics on the facade of the top visible all around. Built in the room was for the years 1900-1901 Savings Bank.

Today Art Museum collection replenished mainly by local patrons and collectors. On the basis of the museum held numerous exhibitions, cultural events, city workshops.

How to get there

The museum is located at Pl. Central, 10, in the heart of the city. By Chernivtsi easily accessible by train from Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa or own transport.

Museum Hours: 9: 00-17: 00 every day except Monday.

Admission: adult ticket - UAH 7, student - 5 UAH, children - 3 UAH.

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