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National Nature Synevyr Park

National Nature Synevyr Park

In the Carpathian Mountains there is a corner of primordial nature – National Nature Synevyr Park. Nature granted these lands with rich forests, impetuous rivers and diversity of fauna. One can feel a scent of conifers and grass in fresh wooden air. All of these natural heritages are studied, increased and protected by workers of National Synevyr Park.

Touristic routes, development of ecological and scientific-recreational pathways, horse and cycle routes, recreation centers and places to fish and parking lots were created in the park. The directorate of the park is located close to Ozerianka village.

Mountain rivers and pines of a great height accompany Carpathian roads. Hillsides are accurately surrounded by wooden fences; everything is made of wood – it is a traditional trade of this land. You’ll see chapels and accurate small houses with spring waters. You are well advised to visit the Museum of Wood and Float on the river Chorna. It is a wooden dam of 80 meters length, which was used to ferry wood. You’ll have opportunity to learn wood rafters trade. Close to this place a traditional Carpathian restaurant known as Kolyba can be found. You can have a meal there.

Another place of interest is Greek-Catholic Church in Kolochava-Horb village, built in the 16th century. It was made of wood without a single nail. The Ivan Ol’brakht History and Ethnography Museum in Kolochava village is a great place for you to get to know the way of life and customs of local people.

Fishing-goers are advised to go to Tereblia-Ryks’k Reservation, where they can find a great variety of fish including trout. They’ll have opportunity to hire tackles as well. On the way to the place where the river takes its birth, you’ll see a Carpathian gem – Synevyr Lake. There is a beautiful legend about a girl Syn’ and her beloved Vyr. They loved each other and wanted to marry, but Syn’s father was against it. He ordered his people to catch Vyr and throw him down from a high hill. The boy died and turned into a stone. Syn’ deplored her beloved for a long time so a blue lake, the one as her eyes formed. In the middle of the lake you can see the top of that stone. Synevyr lake is also known as a sea eye, due to the fact this island is located in the middle of the lake and it really reminds a big blue eye.  

Annually, in the middle of August, many people from different parts of Ukraine and from abroad, come to Synevyr to visit folk music festival Trembitas invite you to Synevyr. Trembita is a traditional Guzul pipe. You can see music performances, exhibitions of national decorative-applicative art; take part at funny culinary contests as well. Men and women in traditional Ukrainian clothes are glad to invite you to taste home-made brynza (sheep's milk cheese) or Ukrainian alcohol beverage gorilka with freshly-salted Carpathian mushrooms. Do not miss a chance like that!

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Тур «Озеро Синевир та водоспад Шипіт»
Інколи один незвичайний день може винагородити за місяці зусиль і дати в подарунок наснагу на майбутнє. Саме такий день чекає на вас при виборі одноденного туру «Озеро Синевір та водоспад Шипіт». Водоспад Шипіт – найгарніший на Закарпатті, каскади якого заворожують навіть досвідчених мандрівників. А фотоспогади з Міжгірського перевалу будуть нагадувати про те, що в Карпатах вас завжди чекають! Перлина Закарпаття Синевир зачарує красою води та величчю природи довкола. Це не лише «морське око Закарпаття», але й легенда про трагедію кохання Синь і Вира.
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