Kitaevskaya desert

In 1159, Prince Bogolyubskii gave one of his residences, China, at the disposal of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. And in the 14th century there was created a cave monastery, which was named Kitayevskaya desert.
In the early days of Christianity in Russia, the desert was a major center of worship. Later it became a place of seclusion for the monks, hermits. The quiet temple caves, many sought shelter from the madding crowd. Desert surrounded by extensive forests. On the territory there are several crystal-clear lakes, which is rich in fish. Nature around gives a feeling of tranquility.
Kitaevskaya deserts rich in interesting stories. One of these - about a woman monk Dosifej. In the 17th century a young girl Daria, a spokeswoman for the noble family, ran away from home. Dosifeya hair cut, a change of clothes and called a man`s name. For the rest of her life she spent in the caves of the desert. Until his death, one of the monks and the people who came to hear the wisdom of a monk Dosifeya, had no idea that it was a woman. There still remains Dosifeya store.
Seen a lot in his lifetime temple. It is especially difficult he had during the Soviet era. Some of the buildings were destroyed, relics disappeared without a trace. But not so long ago, archaeologists discovered several new caves monks, which retained many interesting things.
Kitaevskaya desert - a very popular place among tourists. Here come the dozens of pilgrims from around the world. It attracts its mystery, remoteness from the rest of the world.
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