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Footbridge in Uzhgorod - is the most popular place for residents and visitors alike. This bridge connects the two embankments - Student and independence, which is Europe`s longest lime avenue . The bridge is a symbol of love and fulfillment of desires.

There is a belief that going over this bridge for the first time of the "new" city "old", it is necessary to make a wish, and it will surely come. Lovers hang on the railing pedestrian bridge locks with names as a sign of loyalty and strength of their relationship, and the keys thrown into the river flowing under the bridge Oh.

The bridge has a history that began in the late 19th century. Then for the first time over the river was built a wooden bridge. This building stood not long. Rapid River water soon turned it into splinters.

After some time, in its place there was a steel structure, on which even the passing trucks. And after the war at this point it was decided to build a stone bridge, which can be seen now.

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Солнечное Закарпатье!
Тур по Закарпатью приятнее всего осуществлять в солнечные весенние дни. Вы откроете для себя живописные замки и музеи. А самое интересное – попробуете различные вкусности традиционной закарпатской кухни. Этот тур покажет вам: таинственный замок графа Шенборна; галереи и удивительную архитектуру средневекового замка Паланок; улочки, памятники и музеи старинного Ужгорода.
Новогодняя Магия Закарпатья
Маршрут тура: Винница - Мукачево - Берегово(термальный комплекс) - дегустация вин-Ужгород-Винница.
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