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Day of Odessa in 2016, Odesa


The legendary Odessa city celebrates its birthday on September 2 this year, but celebrations are planned up to a week. Guests and residents waiting for a grand holiday program. Where to go on City Day in Odessa, see below.

Location: Garden City , Primorsky Boulevard , Potemkin Steps , arboretum Victory , street Deribasovskaya Street Lanzheronovskaya, Independence Square.

Dates: August 27 - September 4.

Cost: Depending on the event, mostly free admission.

The program of the Day of Odessa in 2016

The celebration will take place during the week.

Aug. 27

  • Book exhibitions, thematic meeting devoted to the Day of Odessa, will continue until September 4.

Where: municipal and school libraries.

  • 10: 00-18: 00 - the festival "Star Children".

Where: Garden City.

  • 10: 00-21: 00 - Festival "watermelon paradise."

Where: Arboretum victory.

Aug. 28

  • 15:00 - opening of the exhibition of Israeli artist Jonathan Weisman.

Where: Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental Art .

Aug. 30

  • 10:00 - Quest game on the history of the city of Kiev area students.

Where: Memorial of heroic defense of Odessa, 411 th coastal battery .

  • 17: 00-21: 00 - Festival "Red City".

Where: Seafront, City Garden.

  • 18:00 - opening of the solo exhibition of Yuri Gorbachev.

Where: TC "Victory Gardens" (str. Academiei 28).

Aug. 31

  • 20:00 - bandura great show.

Where: Garden City.

1st of September

  • Holiday of first bell in secondary schools.
  • Conducting common thematic lessons "History of Odessa: past and present".

Where: general educational institutions of the city.

  • 13:00 - opening competition of illustrations "Always close" on the works of Michael Zhvaneckogo and award winners.

Where: Museum of Literature (Lanzheronovskaya str., 2).

  • 11: 00-13: 00 - activities for elementary school district to celebrate the Day of Knowledge, Day Vseodeskyy Cheerleaders; master classes from European Champions competition.

Where: Arboretum Victory (ave. Shevchenko, 14);

  • 11: 00-13: 00 - quest game "Odessa - my hometown" for high school students of educational institutions of Primorsky region.

Where: Starobazarny Square.

  • 14:00 - opening of a memorial plaque DD Burlyaku.

Where Street. Transfiguration 9.

  • 16:00 - Tablet opening of the photo exhibition dedicated to Greek writer, journalist and playwright Grigorios Ksenopulosu.

Where: Branch of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (trans. Red, 20).

  • 16: 00-21: 30 - The fifth open carriages parade "The future of Odessa."

Where: Seafront, Dumskaya area , the Odessa City Palace of children and youth art.

  • 20:00 - Concert Orchestra Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater "Odessa. World music ".

Where: The area near the Colonnade at the Promenade.

September 2

  • 8:00 - holding holiday services and special prayers for the prosperity of Odessa all denominations and faiths.

Where: The temples of the city.

  • 9:00 - traditional laying flowers at monuments honorary citizens of Odessa.

Where: street Deribasovskaya Starobazarny Square, Cathedral Square .

Where: Seafront.

  • 11:00 - the monument GG Marazli.

Where: Greek area .

  • 12:00 - grand opening of the new names on the "Walk of Stars" of Odessa.

Where Street.Lanzheronovskaya.

  • 10: 00-14: 00 - Opening Day arts and crafts (workshops).

Where: Seafront.

  • 9:00 - Holiday Fair.

Where: Square "Ray."

  • 11:00 - holiday Suvorov district of "Bright Star Trek moments of Odessa."

Where: Avenue. Dobrovolsky.

  • 11:00 - festive concert program "Happy Birthday, Odessa-Mama!" For residents and visitors of the neighborhood "Peresypskaya."

Where Street. Black Sea Cossacks, 95.

  • 12:00 - holiday Malinowski area featuring creative groups and out-of-area secondary schools. Photo exhibition "Metamorphosis. Malinowski area yesterday and today .... "

Where: PKtaV them. Gorky (Str. Cosmonauts, 17th century).

  • 12:00 - holiday "most native zoo."

Where: Odessa zoological park of national importance (st. Novoschipnyy number 25).

  • 16:00 - holiday Kiev region.

Where: Independence Square.

  • 16:00 - Festival "Best city and not the earth."

Where: TsPKtaV them. TH Shevchenko near the Alexander Column (st. Marazliyivska, 1/4).

  • 16:00 - opening after restoration Starosinnoyi area.

Where: Starosinna area.

  • 17:00 - Presentation courtyard of the Museum-apartment of Leonid soloist.

Where: Museum-apartment of Leonid Utesov (st. Utjosov, 11, Apt. 7).

  • 18: 00-18: 30 - Presentation character Regensburg (Germany).

Where: Moon Square .

  • 19:00 - Gala Concert at the Potemkin stairs.

Where: Potemkin Stairs.

  • 20:00 - Concert Studio "Kvartal 95".

Where: Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy. M. water (st. Panteleimonovskaya, 3).

  • 22:00 - fireworks.

Where: Potemkin Stairs.

  • Festival of light, architectural, projection technology and installations «Odessa light fest», which runs until September 4.

Where: Primorsky Boulevard near the monument to Duke de Richelieu, Dumskaya Square, Theatre Square.

September 3

  • 12:00 - presentation of the 66th issue of the anthology "Deribasivska - Rishelyevskaya."

Where: Museum of Literature (Lanzheronovskaya str., 2).

  • 12: 00-17: 00 - music and entertainment event "Tram happiness." Free shuttle tram route number 4 of concert and entertainment.

Where: tram route: Arcadia - Kherson Square.

  • 9: 00-20: 00 - Festival of creativity of people with disabilities.

Where: Cathedral Square.

  • 12: 00-15: 30 - cultural and educational event with the support of the Consulate General of China in. Odessa.

Where: Garden City.

  • 15:00 - a solemn meeting devoted to the 20th anniversary Rehabilitation Center Odessa Regional Charitable Foundation Rehabilitation of Disabled Children "The Future."

Where: Odessa Academic Russian Drama Theatre (st. Greek, 48).

  • Celebration Children`s Film.

Where: Odessa Film Studio (French Boulevard, 33).

  • 18:00 - opening of the mini-sculptures Good Soldier Schweik.

Where Street Vice Admiral Zhukov, 2.

  • 19:00 - a concert featuring artists from Greece.

Where: Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy. M. water (st. Panteleimonovskaya, 3).

  • 19:00 - concert band "Jam Band" under the project "in Odessa all her ...".

Where: Odessa Philharmonic .

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